HHRMA JOBS - some vacancies

Pak Admin
Here are some vacancies that might be of some use to you. Please forward this message to anyone and everyone that might be looking for a job.

Happy weekend

Sahira Butik Hotel Bogor, looking for

- GRO, female not more than 27 y/o and experience min 1 year as GRO,

Send your cv to : syrf_m@yahoo.com.


PT Cardig Aero Service is looking for their corporate office:

IT / EDP Manager 

Send cv to:


Annapurna Indonesia (Food & Beverage Company)

some vacant position available, such us;

- Cost Controller 
- Accounting Staff 
- Finance Staff 
- Storekeeper 
- Purchasing Supervisor 
- Sales Executive 
- Banquet Supervisor 

Please send the application letter to anna@the-annapurna.com


Boutique Hotel in Bogor is looking for the following positions :

1. Sales&Marketing Staff 
2. Guest Relations Officer(GRO) staff 
3. IT admin staff 
4. Bellboy/daily worker 
5. F&B Service, Waitress/daily worker 

Please submit your CV to hrd_sahirabutikhotel@yahoo.co.id

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