Hotel Career - Job Vacancies "GSA, Engineering" at Quest Hotel Kuta

Pak Admin
1 minute read
ARCHIPELAGO INTERNATIONAL, one of the fastest growing hotel management companies in South East Asia, managing various brands: Grand Aston, Royal Alana, Royal Kamuela, Aston, Alana, Kamuela, Harper, Quest Hotel, Aston City, Aston Inn, Neo+, Neo, fave hotel, is now inviting applicants for the following positions in Quest Hotel Kuta :

  1. GSA
  2. Engineering 
  • Relevant educational background with the position being applied, minimum D1. (1,2) 
  • Excellent command both in written and spoken English (1)
  • Able to work in team or individual, outgoing, & self motivated (1,2)
  • Able to drive a car & have a license (1)
  • Minimum 1 years experience (1,2)
  • Familiar with VHP system (1)

Please send your application letter and complete CV to or send directly to office at Jl. Kediri No 9, Tuban.

All applications will be treated confidentially & only qualified candidates will be notified

Hotel Career - Job Vacancies "GSA, Engineering" at Quest Hotel Kuta

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